Water Resources in Texas Today

Texas History Conservatism and Contemporary Texas Water Resources in Texas Today
Students identify the major uses of water in Texas in general and in their daily lives. Then they examine causes of water shortages in Texas. Finally, they consider possible solutions for conserving water in Texas.

This learning experience is designed for device-enabled classrooms. The teacher guides the lesson, and students use embedded resources, social media skills, and critical thinking skills to actively participate. To get access to a free version of the complete lesson, sign up for an exploros account.

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Teacher Pack

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Here are the teacher pack items for Water Resources in Texas Today:

Preview - Scene 1
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In this experience, students identify the major uses of water in Texas in general and in their daily lives. Then they examine causes of water shortages in Texas. Finally, they consider possible solutions for conserving water in Texas.


  • Explain the ways in which limited water resources affect Texas.

people in the river with sand on one bank and rocks on the other

Guadalupe River State Park

As one of our most important natural resources, water has always played an important role in Texas. The location of settlements, the types of agriculture, and other human activities have always been linked with available water.

People often take water for granted. But as the state’s population increases, demands on our water supply also increase. Drought years also affect the water supply. Some Texas cities have already experienced water shortages and rationing, or the need to limit one’s water use. In this experience, you will learn about limited water and its impact on Texas.


  • Explain the ways in which limited water resources affect Texas.

How do Texans use water? List what you think are the top four uses for water in Texas. Separate each item with a comma, like this: tomato, apple. 

Post your answer

The chart in the next scene shows students that the top four uses of water consumption in Texas in 2013 were irrigation (agriculture), municipal (household) needs, manufacturing, and power plants.

When everyone is ready to continue, unlock the next scene.

End of Preview
The Complete List of Learning Experiences in Contemporary Texas Unit.
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