Writing a Personal Narrative

ELAR-Grade-8 Personal Narrative Writing a Personal Narrative
Students apply their knowledge of personal narratives to the writing of their own personal narratives. They move through the writing process as they brainstorm, outline, compose, revise, edit, and publish their personal narratives. They incorporate reaction and reflection in order to elevate their writing and to create a clear understanding of why the experience was memorable to them.

This learning experience is designed for device-enabled classrooms. The teacher guides the lesson, and students use embedded resources, social media skills, and critical thinking skills to actively participate. To get access to a free version of the complete lesson, sign up for an exploros account.

1:1 Devices
Teacher Pack

The Pack contains associated resources for the learning experience, typically in the form of articles and videos. There is a teacher Pack (with only teacher information) and a student Pack (which contains only student information). As a teacher, you can toggle between both to see everything.

Here are the teacher pack items for Writing a Personal Narrative:

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In this experience, students apply their knowledge of personal narratives to the writing of their own personal narratives. They move through the writing process as they brainstorm, outline, compose, revise, edit, and publish their personal narratives. They incorporate reaction and reflection in order to elevate their writing and to create a clear understanding of why the experience was memorable to them.

At the end of the experience, students will self-evaluate their work based on a rubric. You may review the rubric with them at any point during this experience.


  • Use the steps of the writing process while developing a meaningful topic.
  • Understand the elements of a personal narrative.
  • Organize the narrative in a logical manner and incorporate a personal voice.
  • Include insightful reflection in the personal narrative.


One week. You may want students to draft at home. 

Personal narratives allow you to share a moment in your life with others and to let the reader experience what was happening to you. A successful personal narrative is insightful and reflects on a moment important to you. When writing a personal narrative, you will reflect on a turning point, or moment of change, in your life and reflect on the lessons that moment taught you.


  • Use the steps of the writing process while developing a meaningful topic.
  • Understand the elements of a personal narrative.
  • Organize the narrative in a logical manner and incorporate a personal voice.
  • Include insightful reflection in the personal narrative.

teen thinking, wearing reflective sunglasses

Read the following quote:

“The more reflective you are, the more effective you are.” –Hall and Simeral 

What does the quote mean to you? How do you think it relates to writing?

Post your answer

Use student responses to spark a discussion about how writing often involves reflection on moments in their lives. The more an author reflects on those moments and the more she shares those reflections with her readers, the more effective her writing is. Reflective and passionate writing is engaging.

Students learned the elements of a personal narrative in the experience “Reading Personal Narratives.” If necessary, review the elements now:

  • written in first person
  • about a specific moment
  • uses dialogue or interesting details
  • follows a logical order
  • tells the reader why the event or experience was important

When everyone is ready to continue, unlock the next scene.

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The Complete List of Learning Experiences in Personal Narrative Unit.
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