The Romans invented or achieved many important things that are still in use today.
Architecture: The ancient Romans were great builders. They developed techniques for building and construction including concrete.
Arches: The Romans used arches to keep bridges strong. Modern bridges use this invention.
Water systems: The Romans built miles-long aqueducts. which brought fresh water to cities and towns.
Roman roads and road signs: The Romans built tunnels to transport water and to open mountains for travel.
Public health programs: The Romans made sure that all the people of Rome were able to get medical help.
Public welfare: The Romans believed that all Romans should have food and shelter. They developed welfare programs for the poor.
Communication systems: Messages were sent by a messenger relay system.
The Romans kept people informed through newspapers. The news was carved on stone tablets displayed in town centers for the people to read.
The Romans built libraries to hold scrolls.
Latin: The Roman language Latin is the root of the romance languages including English, French, and Spanish.
Religion: The Romans spread the Catholic faith.
Roman law and justice including the law that states a person is innocent until proven guilty (from the Twelve Tables).
Government: The Senate was made up of prominent Roman citizens. Before any policy could become law in ancient Rome, it had to be presented to the Senate and debated. Then the Senators would make recommendations and the General Assembly would vote.
Education: Even the poor learned to read and write. The schoolrooms were often in public buildings. Boys went to school. Girls usually did not, although they were taught to read at home.
Propaganda campaigns included coinage with the current emperor's picture on it, to remind everyone who was in charge of the empire.
Literature: The Romans wrote many plays. They developed comic theatre, using satire in plays and literature.
Realistic statues: Other cultures like the Greeks created perfect humans in their statues, but the Romans created what they saw.
The Romans created beautiful mosaics on floors and walls.
Customs: The Romans invented the use of rings to denote friendship, engagements, and weddings, and the use greenery to decorate during winter holidays, exchanging gifts on the first day of the new year, and other holiday customs.
Roman calendar.
Clothing: The Romans invented socks worn by both women and men. They improved footwear, including the hobnailed shoe, shoe construction that adjusted for left and right foot variance in shape.
Games: The Romans developed many board and ball games, including knuckleball (jacks) and hoops.
Source: Roman Achievements and Inventions
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Written by Lin Donn