
Greek Philosophers

Philosophy is the study of knowledge, reality, and existence. The word philosophy comes from the Greek words for love and wisdom. Philosophy is the love of wisdom. There is no exact in philosophy.

Philosophers ask big questions that have no clear answers or that have more than one answer. The purpose of these questions is to get people thinking.

Here are five questions a philosopher might ask:

  1. Is our government working?
  2. What does it mean to be beautiful?
  3. What makes something music?
  4. Who is the most important person in your classroom?
  5. Should asking some questions be against the law?

The ancient Greeks thought of philosophy as an art. They saw philosophers as teachers of the art of asking questions. But it was against the law to question some things in ancient Greece. The law did not stop one famous philosopher, Socrates, from asking these questions anyway. He found himself in a lot of trouble. Two other famous Greek philosophers were Plato and Aristotle.

Socrates taught Plato. Plato had an academy of instruction and taught many students, including Aristotle. The students learned many subjects, including philosophy.

There were other philosophers in ancient Greece, but Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle are the three most famous. All three developed philosophical questions that are still studied today.

Any question will work as a philosophical question as long as it is a really big question that has no clear answer and gets people thinking.

Source: Greek Philosophers
All Rights Reserved Written by Lin Donn

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