
Ancient Rome: Legacy of Rome

The civilization of Ancient Rome had a lasting legacy on world history.

Many modern-day governments are modeled after the Roman Republic. The Romans developed concepts such as balance of powers, veto, and representation. The United States has three branches of government similar to the Roman Republic. The Executive Branch (President) is similar to the elected consuls of Rome. The Legislative Branch (Congress) is similar to the Roman assemblies (like the Senate). Finally, the Judicial Branch is similar to the Praetors of Rome. The U.S. Senate is named after the Senate of Rome.

Roman law had a major influence over the modern-day laws of many countries. Legal ideas like trial by jury, civil rights, contracts, personal property, legal wills, and corporations all stem from Roman law.

Many languages evolved from Latin, spoken by the Romans, including French, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, and Romanian. These languages are called the "Romance languages," and roughly 800 million people around the world speak a Romance language today. Many words in the English language have Latin roots. Latin terms are still commonly used in science, medicine, and law.

The buildings and architecture of Ancient Rome still influences many building designs today. This influence is visible in government buildings, large banks, and even some famous buildings like the U.S. Capitol Building. The Renaissance rediscovered the art and ideas of Ancient Rome and Greece after the Middle Ages.

Roman engineering spread innovations throughout the empire. Many long-lasting Roman roads are still used today. The Romans built aqueducts to bring water into the cities. The Romans perfected concrete, which was cheaper and more durable than stone.

The Roman Empire also had a great impact on religion in Europe through the spread of Christianity. Rome became the home of the Catholic Church. Today, Christianity is the largest religion in the world.

Roman numerals are sometimes still used today. The number of the NFL Super Bowl was written using Roman numerals until Super Bowl 50, which is written as "50" rather than the Roman number "L."

Source: Ancient Rome: Legacy of Rome
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